
BONUS: Kim 3

Like many side hustlers, Kim can tell herself stories that make her feel discouraged about the likely "non-perfect outcome" of a project even before she starts it. Also like many side hustlers, she is experiencing some of the ways can life can interrupt plans – in ways that are actually good, as well as not-so-good.In this episode, Kristine and Kim celebrate the ways that Kim ventured out beyond her comfort zone to make some [...]

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BONUS: Kim 4

Kim has a habit of setting idealistic goals and then assessing her progress by taking her emotional temperature rather than physically tracking her actual tasks completed and accomplishments achieved (by writing them down at the end of each week or month). Her emotional temperature only tells her what she's feeling about her biz at any given moment – and usually what she's feeling is that she hasn't ever done "enough." In this episode, [...]

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BONUS: Kim 5

Sometimes your choices – even your choice to build a side hustle – will make other people uncomfortable. And that's okay. As long as you are not doing something intentionally harmful to them, their discomfort is not a problem you are responsible to fix.In this episode, you'll hear several examples of Kim choosing to embrace ideas and interactions that make her feel temporarily uncomfortable rather than trying to evade the discomfort. Her willingness to [...]

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BONUS: Kim 6

We rarely ever see anyone else going through their early, ugly stages of something. That's why this episode is one of the most valuable ones in this series. Because Kim courageously and generously lets you witness her discomfort and vulnerability as she shares her first website videos with me and gets my feedback on them.It's important to remember that unless you shoot your first video, you can never shoot your best video. Without shooting [...]

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BONUS: Kim 7

Like many side hustlers, Kim must ditch the fantasy of what she thinks her life or career or side hustle should look like or how it should function. In this episode, Kim shares some revelations she's had about carving out time to pursue her writing while juggling the responsibilities and the quote-unquote "rules" of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, coach, and actress. Kim's goal of being a showrunner will only be sustainable [...]

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