Today we’re going to talk about the story that “everyone is already doing everything so there’s no room for you.”
And it IS just a story – but boy it is one your lizard brain likes to crawl out and whisper in your ear – isn’t it?
“Someone’s already doing what you want to do. And they are already established. And they’re really good. You’re starting too late. So why even try?” (Ugh, sounds familiar!)
In the hopes that it will help, I’m sharing a story about a realization I had one afternoon after I my lizard brain had successfully lured me deep into a spin cycle of “Why even bother?”
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7: Everybody's Already Doing Everything
Hi there, I’m Kristine Oller and this is Creating Cashflow episode seven. Maybe you’re listening because you’ve been wondering if there’s something you can make, share, or do that someone would actually pay you for or maybe you’re listening because you have a biz but it’s not yet generating a steady flow of cash – either way, this podcast is here to help.
Today we’re going to talk about the story that “everyone is already doing everything so there’s no room for you.”
And that IS just a story – but boy it is one your lizard brain likes to crawl out and whisper in your ear – isn’t it?
Someone’s already doing what you want to do. And they are already established. And they’re really good. You’re starting too late. So why even try? Or… All the good ideas are taken. There’s nothing you could possibly make or do or share or teach that someone would want. Why would they come to you?
I mean, really. And we could sit here all day reciting these stories that we tell ourselves when we are feeling small and scared and new. But each one is pure nonsense.
Even today, when folks who are thinking about becoming an organizer ask me whether or not I think the market is saturated, I tell them to imagine getting into a hot air balloon and floating up above the town they live in. AND THEN LOOK AT HOW MANY GARAGES THERE ARE. And at least 60% of them are full to the brim. And if the garage is full that usually means the house is overflowing into it. And you only need a handful of clients at any time to have a very profitable biz. And now, with technology, you can totally organize virtually.
Same with coaching, by the way. Same with ev-er-y-thing. And other people offering the same service or product as you want to is a good indication that there is a market for it. What you are adding is your TWIST. And there are people who will respond positively to your particular twist and thus want to buy from you.
If I didn’t think that was true, I would not have written the Creating Cashflow course and I wouldn’t be putting so much of my heart and soul – and resources – into letting people know that my coaching exists for them. In the podcast space alone there are MANY other folks offering guidance about how to create self-generated streams of income. A few of them are giants who have been around for while. Some have large followings and books and podcast sponsors and platforms. So why should I even bother adding my little fish voice to this very large pond?
And, by the way, that question – Why even bother? – in and of itself it is neutral. It’s neither good nor bad. Like everything else, it has a light side and dark side. If your lizard brain is chipping away at your spirit by asking you that question, that’s the dark side of it. But if you are simply asking yourself that question and then answering it to help you solidify your purpose, clarify your intentions, and zero in on your target market then it can be a very useful and positive question.
Why am I even bothering with Creating Cashflow?
Because I believe, now more than ever, people need guidance and support around self-generating their own income – especially all of the folks who feel trapped on the gig economy treadmill and those folks who find themselves newly unemployed in fields that are not going to bounce back very quickly. In my opinion, the more qualified folks who are willing and able to offer this guidance the better because there are so many people who need it and each provider of it can only work effectively with so many.
Each teacher has their own style and we need All The Styles so folks can find the teacher that fits them best. Not only that, but the packages that the guidance comes are different – and the marketplace needs that variety so folks can find a package that fits the way they learn best.
I am bothering to do this because I think there needs to be someone focused on helping folks who are just beginning or who are having a bit of trouble getting some traction. The ones who’ve been turning and turning and turning the handle of the faucet and wondering why there’s no cash flowing out yet. Or the ones who are worried they’ll never come up with a good idea. These are my people. I love them and know exactly how to help them.
But I want to help in a warm, welcoming, inclusive, high-touch, hands-on, no-shame way. I’ve always worked in a deep dive boutique kind of way. A way that accommodates a few hundred not a few thousand. And not everybody wants that kind of environment. Some folks just want to be vigorously motivated to f-ing crush it. But I bother because I believe some folks will find my way to be a perfect match for them. I’m trusting some folks will prefer my TWIST.
That all sounds great, but I keep having to remind myself of all those things because I have a wily little lizard brain too. Speaking of which, on our last episode I interviewed my friend and colleague Heidi Rose Robbins and she mentioned that she has held poetry salons in her backyard. She invited me to speak at one of them… the theme was The Inspired Life… and I chose to share a realization I had one day after I my lizard brain had successfully lured me deep into a spin cycle of Why Even Bother?
When I was interviewing Heidi, I remembered my talk and that it seemed to resonate strongly with those who were there that evening, so I thought I would share it with you, too. It might offer you something you can draw upon the next time your lizard brain starts whispering any of those self-defeating stories in your ear. Here goes…
Everything I’m about to say to you is fiction. In fact, everything I’ve ever said to you – and anything I will ever say to you is fiction. It’s just a story. Which is not to say that it’s a lie.
But I believe – after all the work I have done with myself and with the hundreds of individuals that I have intimately guided over the past 20 years – I have come to believe that “life” – my life – is a collection of stories that I tell myself about things that happen or things that I perceive.
So one of my fundamental questions has become – and I ask it of myself all the time: Am I telling myself a story that is making me feel better or one that is making me feel worse?
So I thought I’d tell you a story about a story that was I telling myself that was making me feel baaaaad and then, I’d tell you a story about the story that I thought of that made me feel better. Because these are two stories that have continued to comfort and inspire me throughout the years – which is why I thought they might be of use to at least one of you listening today.
The story that I was telling myself that was making me feel bad went like this…
…that groan? That’s the opening line. And I prefer to tell myself this story while lying on the floor – without a pillow! – (cuz I like a little bit of drama) and I say…
Why even bother?
Who’s even listening?
Everyone’s yelling and talking nonstop these days – why add to that?
And even if they could hear me would they care?
And even if they did care does what I have to say really make a difference?
That’s it. No verses, just that chorus over and over.
So one day many years ago when I was literally on the floor telling myself that story, I heard a whisper from the Universe to make a list of all the authors whose books I’ve read that had made a significant contribution to my life. It was a long list. And then I made a list of all the actual people that had made a significant contribution to my life and that list was also long. And then I asked myself – which name would you remove from those lists?
And, of course, I didn’t want to remove any name – because then I wouldn’t have the Golden Nuggets that that author or teacher had given me and that would have altered my development into the person I am today. And I need all the development I can get. So, I’m keepin’ all the names. But I saw how many people one gal needed – just to get me from there to here (which, at the time, apparently, was not feeling all that impressive.)
On the heels of that realization is when this better-feeling story materialized as an image in my mind:
Picture the vastness of Central Park. Living a life is like walking across Central Park, end to end. The only single source of light that can illuminate a journey through the entire park is the sun.
But when it’s dark, you and I need other sources of light if we want to keep walking without getting totally lost – many sources, because even the brightest, most brilliant bulb cannot light someone’s way all the way through the park. Getting through the park requires a path illuminated by many, many, many lampposts.
I’ve chosen to position myself as one of these lampposts. My job is to shine as brightly as I can so that, different folks, at different times, might walk for awhile on the part of their path that is illuminated by my light. And my purpose is to help them keep moving along their path when it’s dark out – moving them on to the glow of the next lamppost, which will move them along until their sun comes out again and they can see clearly on their own for awhile.
That story makes me feel better.
But only half of me is a coach. The other half is an artist… and one of the places where those two sides often intersect for me is at the “why even bother” story.
The territory of coaches is the territory of a person’s life – their Central Park. But the territory of artists is the territory of the soul.
So, a story for the artists here tonight…
Picture a vast desert. At night. It’s dark It’s cold. It can feel lonely, and maybe a little bit scary. There are no paths.
But, what if, my soul standing alone in my cold, dark, desert could see the light of the campfire that you’ve built?
Chances are I’d start to walk toward it. Chances are I’d be so, so, happy to see you, and so happy to feel the heat of your flames, and so happy to be nourished by your toasted marshmallows! After all, they’re gluten free!
And does it matter if scattered all across the vast dessert are thousands of campfires? Does it matter that some are giant, crowded bonfires and some are just two people around a few glowing embers. Does it matter that, some campfires offer comedy, some offer opera, some invite introspection, some pure escapism.
No, it doesn’t matter.
Our souls love and need the variety because our souls are not traveling through the desert, our souls live in the desert. And when the desert of the soul gets dark, we need artists to build campfires so we can find other likeminded souls… and be warmed, comforted, and delighted by their presence.
Those are my stories – that I continue to tell myself, over and over – about why it’s important to continue sharing my gifts with the world.
And I created Creating Cashflow because I think it’s important for you to share your gifts with the world AND make money from your gifts and skills and strengths if you want to do so. There is room for you. I can teach you how to position yourself as a lamppost or build a welcoming campfire so your light shines bright enough for your right people to see.
Glad you listened today. I wish you the very best.
Creating Cashflow is a podcast, a course and a community that exists to guide and support you through the process of creating a monthly flow of cash with the texture of life you desire. We welcome those of you who are just starting out and we welcome those of you who have a biz but not the cashflow. Three times each month I roll up my sleeves and do deep dive group coaching sessions with our members to help them apply the info in the course to their specific circumstances.
A great place for you to start is with my free online workshop – Creating Cash When Times Are Tough. You can watch the video or listen to the audio or read the transcript at
The show notes for this episode are at
And if you feel inspired to share this episode with someone special, follow through on that inspired action!