I have a behind-the-scenes story to share with you which illustrates “inspired action”* in action**.
* An action taken based upon a whisper from your gut (or the Universe or Source)… as opposed to an impulsive action which is usually a hasty reaction to an external trigger.
** In my own life.

Receiving a hit of inspiration is akin to the Universe extending a hand to you and asking you two questions: “Would you like to dance and

will you let me lead?”

Magic often happens when you have the courage to surrender and let the Universe take the lead.

Sometimes the dance will be a quick, momentary twirl of thought. Sometimes the dance will be a slow, steady sway that gradually glides you in a slightly different direction. Sometimes the dance will be a tango that transports you into brand new, unexplored territory.

But you’ll only know if you accept the invitation and trust your partner.

A Moment of Trust

During a webinar she was presenting, my client – the deeply talented writer / director / coach Liz Kimball (fresh off of a year of working with me) – received a whisper of inspiration to read a poetic essay to her viewers (of which I was one).

Sharing the essay was not part of her original plan, but I thought it was the highlight of the event. Her essay resonated strongly with me, both on a personal level and because I think it is a moving articulation of something I feel is necessary for we women, who desire more unity and equality in the world, to do… which is to unify and give equal voice to the different parts of our own selves.

The more we create unity and equality within ourselves, the more it will be reflected back to us.

After listening to her poetic essay, I received my own whisper of inspiration to lift her audio from the webinar and make her essay into a video so I could share it with you.

Why go through all that work? For what? Honestly: I don’t know. But, by this point in my life, I’ve learned to trust and take inspired action.

With Liz’s permission, here is her essay:

One of my aims is to help creative professionals hear and heed the whispers that come from within each of them. If strengthening your relationship with our own intuition is something you’d like to explore, we can certainly have a conversation about ways to cultivate that.

Best always,

Inspired to share?