A few additional thoughts:

How good are you at….

graciously receiving compliments?

(Not too many folks actually do this with ease.)

In my early days, I certainly didn’t.

And this habit of deflecting the kind words that came my way was not serving me at all.

Compliments are a component of success. More success will likely generate more and more compliments.

If you routinely resist (or reject) compliments, then you are routinely resisting (or rejecting) the success that you say you want.

Your resistance to receiving a compliment is, at its core, a resistance to receiving.

(What other marvelous things, feelings, or experiences are you unconsciously blocking from entering your life?)

Getting better at the whole compliment thing will feel – well, probably awkward at first – but soon it will feel so very good.

Eventually, you will come to genuinely delight in participating in the other person’s moment of joyful giving.

And each compliment that you receive with grace sends a little message to the Universe that you are ready for more (of everything)!
