A few additional thoughts:

How do you stay in the present moment…

…when you are focused on making big shifts happen in the future?

It took me a while to find something that worked for me – see if it might work for you, too.

I’ve discovered for myself – and seen with my clients – this surprising truth:

Some of the most difficult periods to stay present in are periods where you are experiencing rapid successes.

Most folks assume that they will allow themselves to fully savor and enjoy their success when they finally “arrive.”

(Well, first of all, success is not a single destination.)

Second, “what you want” can tumble into your life so fast – one awesome event triggering another – that you find yourself experiencing much more anxiety than joy.

You can actually forget to celebrate.
You can actually forget to have fun.
You can actually forget it all.

(And thus a special chapter in your life can be reduced to a blur.)

So… when is the best time to find some way to enable yourself to fully savor and enjoy the present moment?

